Sunday, October 26, 2014

study in holland

Annual tuition fees of

1,906 Euro (Tuition fees for 2014/2015)

have to be paid in the Netherlands. This applies for Dutch as well as foreign EU-students who come to the Netherlands to study. These fees can be paid in a single lump sum or in instalments. All those who are older than 29 have to pay so calledInstellingencollegegeld. The amount is from different university to university.

NON-EU-students normally have to pay much more than EU members. The prices vary from 6000 to 12,000€ and can be found on the corresponding university websites

One possibility of financing the tuition fees is a Collegegeldkrediet. The students who have to pay the fees of €1,906 can loan this completely in a form of a credit. This has to be paid back in instalments at the end of their study. The sum is usually higher than the national tuition fee.

The whole credit will be paid to the students in month instalments. An application for the Collegegeldkrediet has to be made anew every year. Direct application to IB

Students who are supposed to pay higher fees (e.g.: special English-speaking degree programmes, master degree programmes or when a student is older than 30 years), can thus loan even up to fivefold of the annual tuition fees. For the 2013/2014 it would be max. 5 x €1,906 = €9,175 /year.

For all those, who have started their study before 2007/2008, the tuition fees can under some circumstances be reimbursed (so called Cohortgarantie). 

These conditions apply for students who:
- have applied for continuous reimbursement so far,
- are citizens of the EU,
- are not older than 30 years,
- have a bank account in the Netherlands,
- are not financially supported by the Netherlands.

Therefore, studying in the Netherlands is often less expensive than private or other European colleges!

Applications must be sent to Informatie-Beheer-Group (IB-Groep) in Groningen in order to receive reimbursement.
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